Heidi-ho, fellow travelers! I just want to let you know, I have no control over the ads that appear on this page. I can't believe they'd run an ad for hunting on a pet page! If I could throw up, I would. You'll just have to do it for me....

Your pal Hanna Bannanna

Through the Eyes of a Prairie Dog

Dad and Me...we make a good team :)            Okay, so I like my naps...anywhere...

Hello! I'm Hanna Bannanna! I'm very good at web design, aren't I? I mean, really, I'm a small, plump prairie dog! I've made this page for you, and I hope you enjoy your visit! Okay, fine, so my mom helped a little and so did our friend Clara. But it's mostly mine!

Info for YOU:

Info for ME!


Hello, and welcome to our Prairie Dog web page! Shortly after purchasing Hanna-Bannanna, a 6 week old Prairie Dog that found my permanent home on April 7th, 2002, I was tempted to write up a web page since information on these wonderous creatures is barely out there. I run a "permanent home" rescue and already had two adult Prairie Dogs that originally came from Lynda Watson. (Co-Author of Bringing a Prairie Dog Pup Into Your Home, 2001 Ed.)

Hanna had me from her first alarm squeak; I wasn't fortunate enough to raise the two pds I already had, and immediately fell in love with her cute little self. After waiting a few days and preparing a place for her to reside, she eventually came home with us.

As pets, Prairie Dogs are a rising epidemic in people's homes. I use epidemic, even though it sounds negative, because it sort of is. People are not researching their proper care before purchasing (big surprise) and end up unintentionally hurting them. I write this site in hopes that others will learn something about themselves as well as their future or existing pet.

Odds -n- Ends

Have a question? Or just want to show your appreciation? Email Hanna-Bananna, Red, Frosty, and mom! If you have photos of your beloved PD's, I'd love to see them! Once enough pictures are acquired I will be setting up a Photo Page on the site and will notify you when done! Want to use my pictures? Please email me for approval before copying. Thanks!

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Page and images copyright 2003-2007.